Timeline: 1711 to 1720

1711  In Britain, the joint-stock South Sea Company is founded for the purpose of trading in the South Seas and parts of America.

1711  In Britain's Carolina Province in America, tensions have existed between Quakers and those associated with the Church of England. Thomas Cary leads a rebellion against the governorship of Edward Hyde, a member of the Church of England. The rebellion fails, followed by Quakers being effectively excluded from North Carolina politics.

1711  European settlement in North Carolina has been a disaster for Tuscarora "Indians." In September they attack British, Dutch and German settlers, beginning the Tuscarora War.

1712  The English use a steam powered device to pump water out of a mine. It is the first commercially successful engine.

1712  A slave rebellion in New York results in the death of six whites and the execution of twelve slaves.

1713  Small pox brought to the Cape Town region decimates Khoikhoi people and kills many whites.

1713  The Treaties of Utrecht end the War of Spanish Succession and Queen Anne's War. France and Britain are exhausted, and Britain signs after fearing an alliance between Spain and Austria. The British receive what they rename Nova Scotia. They also receive fur trading posts in the Hudson Bay area. Philip V, grandson of France's Bourbon king, Louis XIV, is recognized as King of Spain. Spain's loses much of its empire, with Savoy getting Sicily and part of Milan, Naples, Sardinia, part of Milan and possession of what had been the Spanish Netherlands (Belgium). The latter passes to the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI of Austria and becomes the "Austrian Netherlands." British acquire control of Gibraltar. The French are now to view Austria as their nation's primary rival on the European continent. And with the war's end a bigger effort can be made against piracy.

1713  Spain and Britain sign a 30-year contract in which Britain is to have a monopoly in supplying Spain with slaves for the Americas.

1714  Charles of Sweden and 1500 of his troops make it back to Sweden by way of Vienna, with help from the Habsburg monarchy in Vienna, which sees Sweden as a counter to the growing power of Prussia.

1714  Some Anglican conservatives have been trying to revive the union between the state and the Church of England, fearing that if people were left free to choose their religion there would be a dramatic spread of religious sectarianism and dissent. Conservatives also believe that religious disunity is an affront to God, that it threatens the salvation of individuals and national security. Some Anglican conservatives blame crime and vice on religious disunity.

1715  The Ottoman Turks take advantage of the weakness of Venice and reconquer Morea (the Peloponnesian Peninsula Peninsula) lost by the Turks with the Treaty of Karlowitz in the year 1699. People in Morea are glad to be rid of the Venetians, who taxed them more than the Ottomans.

1716  The Austrians are alarmed by Ottoman expansion. To defend Christians they declare war and defeat the Ottomans at the Battle of Peterwardein (Petrovaradin) 70 kilometers northwest of Belgrade.

1717  To help against the Ottomans, Pope Clement XI finances a Spanish fleet, which the Spanish use instead to regain Sardinia and Sicily.

1717  For 3,000 rupees, the Mughal emperor, Farukh-siyar, grants the British East India Company duty-free trading rights. The British are given the right to mint their own silver rupee coins for use within the Mughal empire.

1718  In North Carolina, the English pirate Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, is hunted down and killed.

1718  Sweden's Charles XII dies fighting on Sweden's frontier with what today is Norway.

1718  The French colonist Jean Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville founds New Orleans, choosing a site seen as having strategic advantages militarily as well as having access to the gulf and trading advantages. The spot is dry, but it is the fall season.

1719  In the spring season New Orleans floods, and the building of levees begins, to continue for three centuries.

1719  The British, Dutch and Austrians have teamed up against Spain's move into Sardinia and Sicily. The British sink the Spanish navy. Austria has settled with the Ottomans, gaining northern Bosnia, Banat, Belgrade, much of Serbia and a part of Walachia. Morea is to remain under the Ottomans.

1720  In agreement with Austria, the Duke of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II, trades Sicily for Sardinia. Sicily is to be ruled by Austria.

1720  Plague arrives at the port of Marseilles, France – the last of the great bubonic plagues in Western and Central Europe.

1720  Observing constitutional government by the British and Dutch, and influenced by John Locke, opposition to absolutism has been growing among the Swedes. King Fredrik I and Queen Ulrica Leonora have agreed to become constitutional monarchs.

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